Sunday, September 5
Welcome to Days of Gaming. This is a blog that will talk about different subjects like video games, movies, board games, and more. But at the start the primary focus will be video games.Here at Days of Gaming several different types of blog posts will be well... posted. These posts can be in the form of a Post, which are more rants by me, which may or may not have a purpose. These will usually end with a question to the readers, which hopefully will start some discussions and conversations. Another type will be Reviews. The Reviews will primarily be reviews of video games, but may end up being more than just that. And currently the last type is Quick Looks. Quick Looks are smaller posts/reviews that will detail something I recently did, which will probably be watching a movie, playing a flash game, or trying a demo, but may end up as more. These will end with my opinion on whether or not you should try them out. These Quick Looks are meant to be quick reads that cover some interesting stuff that people may not usually try themselves.
Days of Gaming is just a blog that will be about all types of games. At the start it will be more focused on video games, but hopefully it will expand to other games and stuff. With that stuff being movies, board games, television, and just random games (like a real life Nerf War, or even airsofting... which I occasionally do).