Wednesday, September 15
Random Glances are a short synopsis of a game, demo, dvd, blu-ray, board game, or more that I have recently played or watched. They describe what it is, be it a game or movie, and then go into detail about what I thought of them. At the end of each Random Glance I will have a rating that will be my suggestion on whether or not to play the game or watch the movie.
Rating System for Random Glance
- Must Play/Watch
- Try/See it out at least once
- Pass
Each one is my recommendation with the top (Must Play/Must Watch) being the best and the bottom (Pass) being the worst. This way I can give a quick and easily understood recommendation
The Random Glances are meant to be minor reviews and suggestions that are for interesting stuff, like Internet flash games, that can be a quick read when compared to a Post or a Review.